Sunday, 30 December 2018

Boxing Day!!

Miraj Trading had their annual Tax Included Boxing Day Sale, and I got some money for Christmas, so I figured, what the hell.  I got a hobby box of O-Pee-Chee and Upper Deck, and a tin of Upper Deck as well.  I thought I would make it all complete by getting a blaster box of O-Pee-Chee at Toys R Us as well.  I had one of each!

2018-19 O-Pee-Chee

Blaster Rookies/SPs

Hobby Rookies/SPs

Blaster Retro

Hobby Retro

Hobby Retro Black Border (#/100)

Hobby Minis

Hobby Player Cards

Hobby Silver

Hobby Blank Back & Gold

Blaster Various Inserts

2018-19 Upper Deck

Tin Oversize

Tin Young Guns

Hobby Young Guns

Tin Canvas

Hobby Canvas

Tin Portraits

Hobby Portraits (and a couple of other inserts)

Tin Insert

Hobby Stonewalled

Hobby Inserts

I wasn't expecting much from the O-Pee-Chee Blaster Box, and that's exactly what I got!  The hobby is always fun to open and the design is decent too.  A bit of a pisser that they shrunk down the number of cards in a box.  Not a huge fan of the retro design (I hate horizontal cards) but the design on the retro rookies looks good.  Didn't get a patch, but got a blank back instead.

Really love the design on the Upper Deck base cards.  It's also nice to pull two Young Guns of that Cock-A-Leekie kid from Montreal.  I might get one of them graded, if not both.  Didn't get any exclusives, mind you that's not why I bought it.  Game jerseys seem to be rarer this year, which is kind of a double edged sword.  Before you could get two per box and now it's 3 per case.  At least the market isn't over saturated, but they haven't lowered the price on the box!  I can't find any info on that Petersson card.  Maybe some will pop up on Beckett.

Overall, not bad.